Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Independent and self-sufficient vs. dominated and handled

Shouldn’t women be strong, independent and self-sufficient beings? Why should any woman have to depend on a man so vigorously? Why is it that Nora depends so greatly on her husband Helmer for money?

As we were reading in class today, it bothered me how Nora kept pleading to Helmer for money. Personally,I believe that women are more powerful and dominant than men in most cases. Generally, women can handle emotional, stressful and more difficult situations better than men. I’ve read in the past that women tend to deal better with these situations because unconsciously we want to relate on a personal level. So my question is, although Nora was living during the 19th century, a time where women were diminished and unvalued, why did she let herself be put down in that way by her husband, the one person who was supposed to love and respect her unconditionally? Why doesn’t she stand up for herself as Beneatha did in A Raisin in the Sun? Does she simply not care/mind settling for where society places her, labels her as and restricts her from doing?


  1. yeah i agree. Nora was just fine with the demeaning nicknames that her husband was calling her. I think she was mistaking the nicknames as some kind of affection; instead catching the fact that Helmer was putting her down. Nora should stand up for herself instead of taking that kind of treatment from her husband. It's a heavy contrast from Beneatha from A Raisin in The Sun, but this reminds me of Curley's wife a bit too, a character from Of Mice & Men. Curley's Wife was often put down by the men of the story and viewed as a sex symbol and trouble maker instead of what she really was, a lonely woman. nice post michelle! =]

  2. i definately agree on what you have put forth in my eyes. I always wanted to know why she was jus fine with the many little nicknames and treatmets she received. She was quite fond of it, jus to get her way and it quite bothered me how she was acting. Women always suppose to have the idea of wanting their own way and she purposely down graded herself to get what she want. Great job!

  3. Well i never thought that the nicknames that Helmer gave her were demeaning. I just thought they were a sign of affection but i guess your right. I do think that she is only ok with those names to get her way with Torvald. You would make a good teacher lolz.

  4. ALthough Nora does rely on Helmer for money I believe that is the only thing that she knows how to do, she doesn't show any signs that she is ready to stop begging for money and degrading herself. when her father and husband were bedridden she didn't rely on herself but on another man and when she did rely on herself to make a huge decison(taking a loan from Krogstad) she failed to deliver.
    -Amanda Jones
